Moringa Oleifera – The Miracle Tree

Moringa Oleifera (Moringa) is a native tree to Asia and Africa, that is now well-distributed in the semi-rid, tropical and sub-tropical regions of our planet. From time immemorial, Moringa is known to offer an impressive range of medicinal uses and was of high nutritional value to ancient civilizations. Unani medicinal system have recommended it and the ancient ayurvedic medicinal system called Moringa “the tree that can heal 300 diseases.”
Moringa tree has many names depending on the regions. Nowadays, it is commonly known as “The Miracle Tree,” and has been called, “the Tree of Life” and “malunggay” and “drumstick tree” and “horseradish tree” and “Ben oil tree.”
Africans have honored Moringa tree with names that translate to: “Never Die” and “The Only Thing that Grows in the Dry Season” and “Vitamin Tree” and “Mother’s Milk.”
Moringa provides the best and complete nutrients by far compared to other fruits and vegetables in existence on this planet.
What’s so special about Nia Pure Nature’s Moringa?

Nia Pure nature Moringa leaves are harvested from organically grown trees in India. The young and tender leaves are selected, sorted and freeze dried to maintain their maximum nutritive value. The leaves are then ground to give a fine, unadulterated powder. Our Moringa leaf powder retained its bright green color and its fresh flavor described as similar to spinach. It is a rich source of fibers, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Our moringa is grown using farming practices that not only adhere to organic farming standards, but go beyond, to regenerate the soil, protect biodiversity and be fully ethical and sustainable.
How much Moringa to take?
Take 1/2 (2.4 g) of a teaspoon with food, preferably in the morning.