Nia Pure Nature

Weight Loss Without Pain with Moringa

Weight Loss Without Pain with Moringa

Every year, weight loss is a common go-to goal. The link between exercise and clean nutrient-dense meals is essential to overall health, but portion control is definitely part of any weight loss regime. The word diet is truly a four letter word and should be kicked to the curb once and for all. The word D-I-E-T has DIE right in it! Enough said!

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine, according to John C. Maxwell. So true!

Dieting is often tied to low energy due to reduced caloric intake and an increase in exercise. Low energy can also be related to anemia or low iron. Moringa helps to maintain iron stores naturally, without the heavy influence of meat. It is ideal for those favoring a plant-based diet. Moringa also contains fiber, eliminating nagging constipation often associated with conventional iron supplementation. It contains gram for gram more iron than kale, swiss chard, or even spinach. Iron-rich blood means increased oxygen flow, ultimately providing additional energy, even enthusiasm for the gym! Moving the body equals more calories burned. 

Moringa contains chlorogenic acid and isothiocyanates. These two tongue twisters are game-changers for those looking to shed weight. They are linked to burning fat, balancing blood sugar, and helping protect against diabetes.

Moringa supports weight loss but also helps cleanse and detoxify an overburdened body safely. Powerful moringa floods cells with nutrients, refueling cells and putting us on the road to battle an onslaught of daily toxins. Choosing to live your best life is complicated in a contaminated world. Nutrient-rich moringa produces enzymes, supporting liver health through elimination or detox process. Intense green equals alkalizing chlorophyll rich plant properties. Avoiding acidity and aiming for living alkaline is paramount, helping minimize congestion and stagnation. Vitamin C rich Moringa Super C fights free radicals in the body while also supporting overworked adrenal glands.

People who are overweight often hold toxins in “fatty” deposits. Ridding the body of toxins aids in weight loss, allowing the liver to focus on regulating hormones rather than housekeeping 24 hours a day.

With the body in a gentle daily detox, the healing crisis can be minimized and side effects positive. It’s not uncommon to experience fewer headaches, less joint pain, or minimized muscle aches. Moringa can be increased, intensifying the cleansing process. Adding a larger dose of moringa supports the digestive system, by acting as a laxative, helping eliminate parasites, fungus, and toxins in fecal matter.

Mineral-rich moringa is a small do-able cost-effective daily change. Moringa promotes health with the addition of vitamins, amino acids, anti-oxidants. Super start each day with a fiber filled and plant-based protein.

Let’s start by adding marvelous moringa to monotonous mornings. Moringa by NIA PURE is a superfood, paving the way to weight loss through a bounty of benefits. NIA PURE contains over 90 body-boosting nutrients. NIA PURE is just that….pure! Choosing to freeze-dry the organic leaves over sun-dry, showcases more than NIA PURE’s vibrant green magical moringa. Freeze-drying ensures isothiocyanates aren’t destroyed. Beautiful news for those looking for balancing blood sugar and an awesome anti-inflammatory.

Thanks to Moringa and all its power, no deprivation will be necessary to lose weight. Its daily consumption will give you a feeling of satiety which will reduce the daily food rations and you will improve your daily diet without even realizing it!

Mercedes Kay Gold – a Holistic Certified Practioner and Certified Mobile Trainer living and working in Toronto. Her writing has been featured in various publications and on health-related websites. She spends her free time public speaking, educating and enjoying her sons.




“Excellent product. The best form of natural vitamin antioxidant’s in one package, right off the shelf. I was 425 lbs and within 6-8 months, I had dropped to 225 lbs under my doctor’s supervision as well. I’m currently at 250 lbs and plan to be closer to 220 lbs or less by springtime. Like most people, I have a long search behind me seeking healthy weight loss. Moringa and a healthy diet were the only elements used for my weight reduction. I am also a diabetic one so I maintained a strict diet of proteins and vegetables, to successfully control my diabetes with Moringa each morning. Cheating so yes I occasionally must eat certain foods that are not ideal but I keep this to a minimum. As a Metis Canadian, I do not process certain processed foods well enough while researching many options from 2010 to 2016, I located Moringa Oliefera. In June 2016 I first used Moringa as a cleanse which achieved major results within one week. Next, I followed a ketosis styled diet with Moringa supplementation daily for six months. The results have been quite amazing to those that know me. I’m getting back to the younger person than I was years ago. Currently, I am back to excellent health that I attribute to this excellent product.”

Jeff I., Ottawa, Ontario, Nov. 30, 2017.

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